Thursday, September 3, 2020

Improving Primary Education In Rural Areas Education Essay

Improving Primary Education In Rural Areas Education Essay There is no uncertainty that the need of improving the nature of grade schools especially in provincial territories is critical for government. One of the most encouraging arrangement is through usage of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs). In this paper we present our exertion and work in improving the nature of grade teachers and the understudies learning process so that improves the nature of essential instruction. This work is a piece of our exploration venture embraced in Keerom Regency, Papua Province that is subsidized by Directorate General for Highly Education Ministry of National Education. Watchwords: provincial computerized learning, elementary school, educators quality, understudies learning process Presentation The issue of national training quality has increased a lot of consideration as of late. A significant shortcoming in provincial grade schools is the absence of qualified instructors expected to convey the exercises in a homeroom, principally in Math and Sciences. Field perceptions show that most elementary teachers have non-Math and Science foundation and they convey these subjects in ordinary manners. The outcome, understudies misconstrue many unique ideas of Math and Sciences [1]. The need of improving the nature of instruction for grade schools is critically required, especially for those in provincial regions. In our ongoing examinations, one of the best ways to deal with address this issue is by using Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs). Studies in [5] uncover that ICT is a key weapon in the war against world proverty in number critial regions including training, healtcare, government, exchange, and independent company support. Further, Teresa expresses that ICT-based arrangements that work in create nations can't just be transplanted to creating nation situations. The arrangements must be founded on a comprehension of nearby needs and conditions. Through subsidizing award from Directorate General for Highly Education Ministry of National Education, ITB Research Center on Information and Communication Technology leads an examination program to improve the nature of grade teachers and improve the understudies learning process so that improves the nature of essential training, especially for those in rustic zones in Indonesia. In this paper, we report our exertion and work on progress in structuring and executing ICT-based condition and learning process for elementary schools in Keerom-Papua. In the following segment, we give the outline of related work. In segment 3, we depict our work on structuring and actualizing ICT-based condition and learning process for elementary schools in Keerom-Papua. Segment 4 presents the difficulties of conveying a computerized learning framework in rustic territory. Area 5 portrays the finish of the examination. RELATED WORK Our earlier work in Research Center on Information and Communication Technology Bandung Institute of Technology propose that ICTs assumes significant job as an option for conveying learning programs in grade schools, for example, through virtual class application. We trust that these projects can address a few issues in rustic territories including the difference of excellent instructor dispersion and the presence of some difficult to-arrive at land areas. Ongoing investigations uncover that the utilization of ICTs will offer some profit in improving the nature of essential training. ICT can widen data get to required by instructors and understudies as establishment for creating information based network of educators and understudies, ICT can improve the effectiveness of learning process just as improve the instructors and understudies abilities, and ICT can keep up proceeding and long life learning. Further, the utilization of ICTs for improving the teacherss quality and learning process is summed up as follows [1]: ICT for Teachers: creating instructor network organize, learning asset vaults, and showing best practices archives. ICT for Class: making virtual class that will help educator conveying the exercise. ICT for Laboratory: comprising of virtual research center and sctructured PC lab. ICT for Students: making a condusive environtment for understudies self-learning. ICT for Community: permitting the learning procedure to be conveyed and directed from anyplace and whenever (for example especially from homes). Both of ideas of ICT for Teachers and ICT for Class have been executed in a pilot venture that was supported by ITB research award [1]. The venture includes two grade schools in Subang (speaking to provincial elementary school whose educators have little information about utilizing PC), two grade school in Bandung (speaking to urban school whose instructors are PC proficient) and one elementary school in Cianjur (speaking to a sub-urban school with unassuming information on PC utilization). Gain from our own encounters, we get that model to be actualized Keerom-Papua. Usage In this paper, we present our work a year ago in structuring and executing ICT-based condition and learning process for grade schools in Keerom-Papua. As a matter of fact, the framework arrangement comprises of two principle exercises: I) organization of advanced learning foundation that is associating all PC-based terminals and system gadgets through TCP/IP conventions and ii) sending of computerized learning programs that is giving a few ICT-based learning applications and procedures, for example, online educators coordinated effort (ICT for Teachers) and virtual homeroom (ICT for Class). WiFi-based Infrastructure The pilot venture in Keerom-Papua includes three elementary schools, as members are SD Inpres I Arso 2, SD Inpres Arso 6, and SD Inpres Arso 7 and one optional school as focus of the network is SMAN Arso. Kantor Dinas Keerom is set up for the future arrangement. Table 1 shows the GPS-based overview from certain areas. Table 1. The GPS-based review Area Scope Longitude Height Kantor Dinas Keerom S 2.91 E 140.77 69,1 m SD Inpres 1 Arso 2 S 2.91 E 140.75 57.3 m SMAN 1 Keerom S 2.87 E 140.74 43.1 m SD Inpres Arso 6 S 2.83 E 140.74 44.1 m SD Inpres Arso 7 S 2.77 E 140.76 35.0 m The sending of advanced learning framework in Keeom-Papua depends on WiFi innovation utilizing star organize topology [6]. The topology is one of the most widely recognized PC organize topologies that are choosen in view of the capacity to confine singular hubs in the support and investigating process. In that arrange, SMAN Arso goes about as center hub that is associated with SD Inpres I Arso 2, SD Inpres Arso 6, and SD Inpres Arso 7 straightforwardly utilizing WiFi interface as appeared in Fig. 1. Figure 1. The mapping of certain areas that is destined to be arranged in Keerom-Papua [Y] Thinking about a few advantages, SMAN 1 Arso is choosen as a center system (see Fig. 2). SMAN 1 Arso lies in three grade school offering effortlessness to actualize star connect with the school as the focal point of the system. This school has Internet association with Jardiknas organize gave by Ministry of National Education that will likewise give Internet access to the members. This school additionally has a PC instructor that is possibly snatched as specialized help for the maintainability activity of the advanced learning framework. Figure 2. The WiFi-based computerized learning system utilizing star topology in Keerom-Papua [3] The foundation is comprising of PC-based terminals and some system gadgets. In SMAN 1 Arso, we find a few gadgets, for example, a PC-based switch, a computerized learning server, a remote passageway, an IP Phone, and open air WiFi gadgets. In every grade school, we find a virtual class box, a note pad, a remote passage, an IP Phone, and WiFi gadgets. These gadgets are utilized to give some computerized learning administrations including electronic educators joint effort and virtual study hall. Advanced Learning Program From the five methodologies of improving the nature of essential instruction, we have been actualizing ICT for Teachers and ICT for Class. We will ellaborate every one of these situations in the accompanying segment. The idea of ICT for Teachers identifies with the utilization of ICT for offering electronic types of assistance to instructors and specialists. It requires an Internet-based systems administration of educators and specialists so that permitting them to communicate witch one another, to share learning assets and furthermore showing accepted procedures [1]. This idea is being executed in a pilot venture attempted in Keerom-Papua including three grade schools (SD Inpres I Arso 2, SD Inpres Arso 6, and SD Inpres Arso 7) and one optional school (SMAN 1 Arso) [7]. The taking an interest schools are furnished with PC/Laptop and programming application just as access to the Internet. With this framework, a lot of learning program are arrangement for educators from taking an interest schools. Like our pilot venture in Bandung-Subang-Cianjur [1], among of them are visiting meeting in a specific time where every taking an interest educator collaborate with one another online just as online conv ersation gathering among instructors and specialists (see Fig. 3). Figure 3. The WiFi-based advanced learning system utilizing star topology in Keerom-Papua The ICT for Class is actualized by giving a virtual study hall administrations to supporting separation learning. The fundamental thought is that ICT will be utilized to permit an educator help instructing a class in various school without having to truly take care of that school, for instance utilizing a recorded mixed media (disconnected mode) or through mixed media gushing on the Internet (online mode) [1]. Fig. 4 shows the chart of online virtual homeroom plot through WiFi-based system in Keerom-Papua. In the online mode that utilizes video chat and IP communication framework, a progressively intuitive meeting can be led among understudies and remote instructor. Figure 4. Graph of online virtual study hall plot in Keerom-Papua [3] Difficulties The situation for executing ICTs in country elementary schools is diff

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Sound effects in A Streetcar Named Desire Essay Example

Audio cues in A Streetcar Named Desire Paper Tennessee Williams utilizes numerous kinds of music and sound as an approach to impart feelings of characters that can’t be communicated in words. A couple of instances of these are the blue piano, the Varsouviana polka, Its Only A Paper Moon and the other audio effects that amplify the sensational circumstances in the play. In the earliest reference point of scene one, Williams reveals to us that the blue piano communicates the soul of the existence that goes on in Elysian Fields. It is seen when Stanley discloses to Blanche that Stella is pregnant towards the finish of scene two. At the point when he advises her, the blue piano gets stronger. At the point when Stanley is yelling Stella’s name after the poker night fiasco, the blue piano is played once more, indicating Stanley’s crude feeling as he required her. The blue piano is for the most part played during snapshots of dejection, expectation and enthusiasm. A portion of these feelings are indicated when Blanche discusses the loss of Belle Reve and her family. The expectation is communicated authentically when she gets reaching Shep Huntleigh who she thinks can support her and Stella escape the ‘desperate situation’ they are in. Want and energy is passed on when Stanley and Stella return to one another in scene three and when Stanley explicitly mishandles Blanche. The Varsouviana was the tune that Blanche and her young spouse, Allan Gray, were moving to when she revealed to him that he ‘disgusted’ her subsequent to seeing him go behind her back with a man. He at that point ran outside and shot himself. This polka melody plays just in her mind when the subject of Allan’s demise is raised or in the event that she has a sentiment of disappointment. For example in scene one when Stanley gets some information about her being hitched once, the polka music ascends. We will compose a custom paper test on Sound impacts in A Streetcar Named Desire explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now We will compose a custom paper test on Sound impacts in A Streetcar Named Desire explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer We will compose a custom paper test on Sound impacts in A Streetcar Named Desire explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer It is additionally played when she makes some hard memories separating what’s genuine and what isn’t. Each time Blanche hears the polka music, she recollects that night and the blame she feels for his self destruction. The polka is played all the more regularly as we push ahead with the play as though showing that Blanche’s mental state is declining and deteriorating as we come. For instance, when Mitch faces Blanche about her past in scene nine. She out of nowhere discusses the Varsouviana, â€Å"The â€Å"Varsouviana†! The polka tune they were playing when Allan-Wait! † In scene seven, Blanche is singing ‘It’s Only A Paper Moon’ while taking one of her hot showers. The melody is about sweethearts and their conjured up universe and that on the off chance that the two of them have confidence in it, it’s not all that nonexistent any longer. Williams differentiated Stanley educating Stella regarding Blanche’s issues in Laurel while Blanche was singing, â€Å"Say, it’s just a paper moon, Sailing over a cardboard ocean †But it wouldn’t be pretend If you had faith in me! † It’s like Stanley is attempting to persuade Stella regarding one truth while Blanche is verifiably suggesting that anything can be genuine on the off chance that you need it to be. This is somewhat the explanation she feels that weaving her lies with the fact of the matter is innocuous, and that as long as it sounds superior to reality, it wouldn’t hurt anyone. The trumpet and drums are heard in circumstances that are somewhat dramatic. For instance when Stella says, â€Å"It will occur! † And indiscreetly kisses Blanche about her and Mitch getting together. Another significant second it comes up is in scene ten, when Stanley explicitly mishandles Blanche: â€Å"The hot trumpet and drums from the Four Deuces sound noisily. † Plastic performance center is the point at which the writer utilizes props, sound and stage bearings to show the encounters that the characters have experienced. In Blanche’s case, Williams utilizes the Varsouviana polka as a path for Blanche to strikingly recollect the evening of Allan’s self destruction. The polka adjust additionally brings sentiments of disappointment that Blanche has about her activities of the time she remained at the Flamingo Hotel. This is indicated when Stanley gives her the transport ticket for her to return to Laurel. An extra solid as plastic performance center are the ‘inhuman wilderness voices’ that Blanche hears in scene ten and eleven. The voices pass on her inclination in the circumstances the voices are heard. One of them is when Stanley is progressing towards her and she feels like a creature caught in a corner. She has an inclination that she is the prey and Stanley or the lady is the predator attempting to get her. The trains speak to Stanley and his craving to cut down Blanche. Each time there is a revelation of Blanche’s humiliating and dishonorable past through Stanley, the sound of a train is available. At the point when he catches what Blanche truly thinks about him, a train is additionally present. Trains give out solid, commanding sounds, which reflect Stanley’s character. In this manner, without the blue piano, the Varsouviana or Williams’ utilization of plastic theater and compares, the play wouldn’t appear to be so emotional. The polka misrepresents Blanche’s declining mental state and makes the crowds feelings for her change from disregarding her for her wanton past to compassion since its not so much her shortcoming. As I would like to think, I discover Stanley’s discourse compared with Blanche’s singing in scene seven the most captivating utilization of music and exchange contrasted with the others.

Friday, August 21, 2020

261 Huck Finn Characters and Heros Journey Professor Ramos Blog

261 Huck Finn Characters and Heros Journey Snappy Write Speedy Write We talked last time about Twain and how he was incredulous of society. What are a few points that he is scrutinizing in the novel up until this point? Huck Finn Continued We read Mark Twains Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Chapters 20-31 for now. Proceeding with our investigation, I need to concentrate on the character of the characters for now. Lets think of a major rundown of characters from the novel. Huck Finn Legends Journey Hucks advancement follows the phases of the Heros Journey portrayed my Joseph Campbell. Hucks venture is one of inner development and revelation. He goes from the view that subjection was appointed by God to an acknowledgment that subjugation isn't right and out of line. Joseph Campbells Heros Journey Segment ONE - Introduction to Setting, Characters Conflict The Ordinary World;â The Call to Adventure; Rejecting the Call; Meeting with the Mentor:â and Intersection the First Threshold. Segment TWO - Action, Climax, Triumph Tests, Allies, and Enemies; Way to deal with the Inmost Cave; Ordeal;â and Prize. Segment THREE - Resolution and Denouement The Road Back; Resurrection;and Come back with the Elixir. Huck Finns Journey In little gatherings, follow the advancement of Huck Finn in the novel after the Heros Journey. Concentrate on where Huck Finn is toward the start and particularly edge minutes/scenes where he changes. Hooligan Notes Summary and Analysis

Monday, June 8, 2020

Research Paper On The Effect Of Social Media On Friendships - 1375 Words

Research Paper On The Effect Of Social Media On Friendships (Research Paper Sample) Content: The Effect of Social Media on FriendshipsNameInstitutionProfessorCourseDateAbstractThe use of the social media is rising. People are making friends through the social media, though only 20% of the people who become friends on social media meet in person. Social media platforms like twitter, Instagram, and Facebook allow people to send friend requests to those they wish to socialize with. Studies have found out that people who use social media more are more likely to feel socially isolated. Having social media friends in place of real-world or physical friends may be damaging to your well-being because contacts with a person sustain true friendship and that online connections rarely make true friendships. In addition, it is difficult to maintain high quality relationships on social media since the low rates of physical interactions make it hard for people to invest their time in meaningful emotional kind of friendship which makes them choose artificial ones. This is wh y people should create more time to see their friends physically and not just online.IntroductionOne of the main characteristics of the society today is the rapid development of information technology. The internet has become an indispensable part of our daily life, allowing us to meet and socialize with new people, and even make friends on social media. However, it is to be mentioned that the internet not only makes it possible for us to make many new friends, but also threatens the relationships between people in the real life. The purpose of this paper is to show how social media has affected the way people socialize with each other in real life.Overview of LiteratureA section of people in the world who have access to internet are increasingly using social media for networking. In a report by Pew Research Center, Social Media Usage: 2005-2015, it was found that 65% of the United States citizen adults are using social media as of 2015 for networking purposes. This is an increase f rom 7% in 2005 CITATION And15 \l 1033 (Perrin, 2015).In another report by Pew Research Center titled, Teens, Technology Friendship, 57% of teens aged between 13 and 17 years in the United States have made friends through social media CITATION Len15 \l 1033 (Lenhart, Smith, Anderson, Duggan, Perrin, 2015). Surprisingly, it is only a small percentage like 20% of those friends who have met on social media have met in person (Lenhart, et al., 2015). Social media, as the word suggests, is supposed to be a platform where people socialize. Platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram allow their users to send friend requests and follow people who they wish to socialize with. Sometimes, these requests come from people you dont know at all (Bapna, Umyarov, 2015).Primack, et al. (2017) discovered that those people who reported to have been using social media platforms for at least two hours per day were twice likely to experience a feeling of social isolation as compared to those pe ople who spend less than 30 minutes a day on social platforms. The article, Social Media Use and Perceived Social Isolation among Young Adults in the U.S., also revealed that those people who would visit the social sites most frequently in a week were thrice likely to experience social isolation compared to those who reported less than nine visits in a week CITATION Pri17 \l 1033 (Primack, et al., 2017). This implies that the more time you spend on social media, the more likely you are to feel isolated. This research suggests that having social media friends in place of real-world or physical friends may be damaging to your well-being.A study by Dunbar (2015) noted that having a large number of friends on social media does not really mean much and if on average a user had an average of 155 friends, they would only trust just four of them. Dunbars article, Do Online Social Media Cut through the Constraints that Limit the Size of Offline Social Networks?, further found out that there exists a limit on the number of real and true friends we have notwithstanding the numbers we have on social media. Authors of this article have suggested that actual contacts with a person sustain true friendship and that online connections rarely make true friendships.In another article, Is the Use of Social Media for Seeking Connectedness or for Avoiding Social Isolation? Mechanisms Underlying Media Use and Subjective Well-Being, the authors found out that social media had a limited ability to connect individuals compared to physical interactions which connected people in a way that eliminated social isolation CITATION Ahn13 \l 1033 (Ahn Shin, 2013). It is expected that the more time you spend on social media, the more friends you have hence more connectedness. Contrary to these expectations, a study carried out by Lee, et al. (2015), discovered that both loneliness and depression are associated with the increased use of Facebook. Lee, et al. (2015) wrote their findings in thei r article, Passive Facebook Usage Undermines Affective Well-Being: Experimental and Longitudinal Evidence.Young people have a lot of social media friends while older people have just a few but more physical friends. This is according to Kaplan Haenleins article named Users of the world, unite! The challenges and opportunities of Social Media Kaplan Haenlein (2010) noted that there is increased difficulty in maintaining high quality friendships on social media. The low rates of physical interactions make it hard for people to invest their time in meaningful emotional kind of friendship which makes them choose artificial ones (Wang, Jackson, Gaskin, Wang, 2014).Utz, (2010) recommends that people should create more time to see their friends physically and not just online. Many of your Facebook friends will probably not care about you or even what you may be going through (Walther, Van Der Heide, Kim, Westerman, Tong, 2008). All the socializing tools were created so that we can stay connected but they are making us worse friends.HypothesisPeople who use the social media more are more likely that the other people to feel socially isolated.MethodsThe method used in this research is the qualitative research method. The participants in the survey were college students aged nineteen years and above.ProcedureThe survey involved questionnaires where the students were the respondents. The survey was divided into two parts. The first part talked about friendships while the second part talks about the social media. For the first part, the questions were developed by use of the McGill Friendship Questionnaire while the questions for the second part were developed by use of the Friendship Functions Research.DiscussionResearch has shown that, although the social media helps us to make many new friends online, it negatively affects the number of physical friendships that people make. Most of the people with access to the internet today use the social media to network. These people make a lot of friends on the social media. However, only about 20% of the people who become friends on social media actually meet in person. Research evidence shows that people who spend most of their time in social media do not have many friends in r...

Sunday, May 17, 2020

The Future Of Arizona Should Help Fund The Implementation...

The center for the Future of Arizona should help fund the implementation of a new education system that will effectively meet the needs in order for Arizona to become one of the best in K-12 education in the nation. According to the report done by the National Center for Education Statistics for the 100 largest school districts in the nation, in the fiscal year 2013 the total expenditure of Mesa Unified School District in Arizona was of only $7,110 per pupil. On the other hand, the Boston City Schools in Massachusetts had a total expenditure of $19,066 per pupil. Arizona has been funding the state s education for half the amount that states such as Massachusetts invest. It is relevant to compare Arizona with this state because it has been continuously ranked the best in the nation regarding education. â€Å"Massachusetts has led the nation in all but one NAEP reading and math exam given since 2005† (Dawsey, 33). The NAEP, National Assessment of Educational Progress, is the lar gest representative and continuing evaluation of educational progress in the nation. To get to this point, Massachusetts had to completely change its educational reform. To achieve a better outcome for the system, school investment had to be doubled. The current total expenditure in Arizona’s K-12 education is clearly not enough. If a real progress wants to be made, a larger amount of funding should be invested. Increasing the amount invested in Arizona’s K-12 education will allow the state government toShow MoreRelatedThe Arizona Department Of Water Resources1774 Words   |  8 Pagesand their views: Government officials and groups such as the Arizona Department of Water Resources seem confident in the progress thus far to conserve and store for the future. Arizona is one of the few western states considered to have a well-divided government organization when it comes to managing the above and underground water resources. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Assassination Of John Fitzgerald Kennedy - 873 Words

The assassination of John Fitzgerald Kennedy, also known as JFK, is one of the most infamous and tragic events in American history. JFK was one of the United States’ most influential politicians, and in the year 1961 he was appointed to be president. Less than a thousand days later, JFK was assassinated in Dallas, Texas, by gunman Lee Harvey Oswald. JFK was beloved both by many Americans and those abroad, and thus his death came as a terrible shock to many across the globe. JFK was a great and stalwart individual - a man who stood apart from the general stock - and it is blatantly obvious to anyone with a brain that he did not deserve to be assassinated. In the month of November, on the twenty-second day and in the year of 1963, John F. Kennedy was assassinated. This tragic event came to be as JFK was touring through Dallas with his wife, despite warnings that many residents of Dallas and surrounding areas viewed his presidency with outright hostility. â€Å"JFK seemed to rel ish the prospect of leaving Washington, getting out among the people and into the political fray.† (JFK Library) Kennedy’s open-top limousine was forced to detour through a low-speed area and during this time the assassin struck. Shooting Kennedy twice, it was first to the neck, and then to the head. Kennedy died with the second blow. This horrid display occurred in front of Americans across the nation. Children were forced to watch as their hero and the man they idolized was reduced to little more than aShow MoreRelatedThe Assassination Of John Fitzgerald Kennedy1632 Words   |  7 PagesMorgan Oates Professor Holland United States History II 3 March 2015 The Assassination of John Fitzgerald Kennedy John Fitzgerald Kennedy, formally known as JFK, was born on May 29th, 1917 in Brookline, Massachusetts. He successfully attended Choate Boarding School and his Alma Mater was Harvard University, After completing his education he decided he wanted to help society somehow. As a result of that, he enlisted in the United States Army the night before World War two began. After his Navy daysRead MoreThe Assassination Of John Fitzgerald Kennedy1719 Words   |  7 Pagesdeath of John Fitzgerald Kennedy. On the day of November 22, 1963 the history of the United States was changed forever. This event was the assassination of President John Fitzgerald Kennedy and is one of the most interesting topics in American history because there are conspiracy theories surrounding the event despite no actual evidence behind a cover up of the assassination. Looking back on Kennedy’s and Oswald’s (his killer) lives and deaths, the reasons why there was an assassination, and theRead MoreThe As sassination Of John Fitzgerald Kennedy Essay1556 Words   |  7 Pagesyears is the assassination of John Fitzgerald Kennedy. Friday on November 22, 1963, the 35th President of the United States, JFK, was shot at 12:30 PM while traveling in Dallas, Texas to appear in the next presidential campaign. Thousands of Americans whom was present at Dallas, Texas just witness the murder of the United States president. Many Americans believed that the United States government was behind the JFK assassination. Thousands of important evidence about the JFK assassination has been lockedRead MoreThe Assassination of John Fitzgerald Kennedy2042 Words   |  9 Pages1963, John Fitzgerald Kennedy had five days tour in Taxes. He planned to make a speech in commercial business center in Dallas. President Kennedy was sitting in an open top limousine. The motorcade drove a very slow speed in the streets of Dallas. Many residents watched and welcomed John F. Kennedy and his wife. After making a turn in the main street, a sniper hided in the sixth floor window in the City Library, shot President Kennedy by two bullets, one on the head one on the neck. Kennedy was declaredRead MoreThe Assassination of John Fitzgerald Kennedy1689 Words   |  7 PagesIn 1961 John Fitzgerald Kennedy would be sworn in as the 35th President of the United States. He was a young, Catholic, democrat. Needless to say, many people were wary of whether or not his religion would influence his decision or if he would become an advocate for Catholic beliefs. Unlike many of the past Presidents, the first lady will play a major role for the duration Kennedy was President. Being the leader of the United States was very important and many precautions were required to keep theRead MoreThe Assassination Of John Fitzgerald Kennedy2088 Words   |  9 PagesJohn Fitzgerald Kennedy was not the first US president to be murdered, three presidents before him had died after being shot by an assassin. They were Abraham Linco ln in 1865, James Garfield in 1881, and William McKinley in 1901. Kennedy’s death seemed particularly shocking because he was still young and seemed to have so much still to do as a President, there seemed to be no motive for his killing. The Kennedys came from Boston, Massachusetts. John was born 29th May 1917, the second of nine childrenRead MoreThe Assassination Of President John Fitzgerald Kennedy Assassination865 Words   |  4 Pageswere not born, for one reason. The assassination of President John Fitzgerald Kennedy transpired in Dallas, Texas. His assassination became a topic of controversy as the idea of a lone sniper committing the act was hard to accept. The assassin would go on to die a few days later. Media outlets around the nation were in shock. The local Metroplex stations panicked like everyone else. As a native Texan, correction native Dallasite, I view the Kennedy assassination differently than most Americans. IRead MoreWas The Assassination of John Fitzgerald Kennedy a Conspiracy?794 Words   |  4 Pages Was The Assassination of John Fitzgerald Kennedy a Conspiracy? On November 22nd, 1963 at 12:30 p.m in Dallas, Texas, one of the most horrific events in American History took place. The assassination of John F. Kennedy. Crowds were cheering as JFK was on a ten mile route that would pass through Dallas, Texas. John Kennedy was in the back seat of a 1961 four door Lincoln Continental convertible when this tragic event occurred. The driver took a left off of Main street passing by the Texas SchoolRead More Conspiracy Behind The Assassination of John Fitzgerald Kennedy3295 Words   |  14 Pages John Fitzgerald Kennedy, 46, President for 1,026 days, was assassinated on November 22, 1963 in Dallas Texas. He, his wife, Jackie, the Vice President and many others were in Dallas for a reelection campaign for the upcoming election in 1964 when the horrible incident happened. Sadly, there is no decent explanation of the assassination from the government – The Warren Report is a 26 Volume Report that claims that Lee Harvey Oswald is the lone assassin – I do not agree with this. The CIA wasRead MoreThe Assassination Of The War And Formation Of Civil Rights1550 Words   |  7 Pages Political Assassination Danielle Ferreira U.S Government Date Introduction Political assassination is defined as the act of killing a political figure mainly for political reasons. In most cases, the motive behind political assassinations is beyond the person who is killed. Assassinations have been rampant across the globe for ages and these assassinations do cause lots of political instabilities in a country especially when key personalities such as heads of states are the victims

Does A Gay Gene Exist Essay Research free essay sample

Does A Gay Gene Exist Essay, Research Paper Does A Gay Gene be? Two possible ways the familial stuff for homosexualism may be transmitted J. Michael Bailey of Northwestern U. and Richard C. Pillard of Boston U. did a survey on 161 cheery work forces. Each had at least one indistinguishable twin or fraternal twin or adopted brother. Fifty two per centum of the indistinguishable twins were besides homosexual, as compared with 20 two per centum of the fraternal twins and 11 per centum of the adoptive brothers. Similar surveies have been done by Dean Hammer and others with the same consequences. If one of the indistinguishable twins is cheery, so there is over a fifty- per centum probably goon that the other will besides be gay. This is strong grounds that homosexualism has at least a partial footing of heritage. Therefore, a hunt began to happen the homosexual cistron ( s ) . Dean cock noted that a apparently high figure of homosexual work forces that he studied had gay uncles on their female parent s side. We will write a custom essay sample on Does A Gay Gene Exist Essay Research or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page He speculated that the homosexual cistron ( s ) might be located on the Ten chromosome. Hammer examined X-chromosomes of cheery work forces, seeking to happen any differences with the X-chromosomes of heterosexual work forces. In the part Xq28, he found a form that was common to many homophiles. Two tierces of the homosexual work forces that he tested had that form. That would explicate the reoccurrence of the cistron despite its negative choice ( homophiles tend non to hold kids ) . Since males have merely one X chromosome ( compared with females who hold two ) , the cistrons on the chromosome are more likely to be expressed. Hence, a adult male with the Xq28 has a greater opportunity of being homosexual. As for adult females, presence of Xq28 does non look to impact sexual penchant. That may be due to their excess Ten or that the cistrons merely might non show themselves the same manner in adult females. Therefore, normal heterosexual adult females can go through the cistron down through consecutive coevalss. Other scientists like Richard C. Pillard and J. Michael Bailey have a different opinion.They believe that tonss or 100s tonss or 100s of allelomorphs are related to sexual attractive force. That believe homosexualism can be inherited genetically but do non claim to cognize the specific cistrons responsible. They speak of possible selective advantages of the family of homophiles. In their words â€Å"if allelomorphs persist for a status that is reproductively hurtful in the homozygote, thenthere must be a selective advantage for the heterozygote. # 8221 ; The conjectural advantage need non hold anything to make with sexual attractive force. It could affect cistrons of other properties. An illustration would be opposition to endemic disease. That would advance a larger sibship ( thereby countervailing the phenotypically cheery person ) . Another examplewould be personality traits associated with homosexual cistrons. A trait like that would better runing accomplishments is a good illustration. It would do up for the familial loss if these traits addition thesurvival rate ofkin. These scientists say that even if the selective advantage were little ( less than 2 % ) it would be sufficient to equilibrate the affect of the loss of birthrate of the homozygote. The two theories that I have discussed are validexplanations of how the cistron could be passed on systematically from coevals to coevals systematically. Possibly much more valid than if they were to stand on their ain. I feelit necessary to discourse some of the weak points of these theories. To believe in these theories, you must believe in familial determinism. Many people do non. They believe that environmentalfactors determine sexual orientation. They would reason that a societal behaviour every bit complex as homosexualism buzzword be governed by a twosome of cistrons. The theories themselves have been hardly lasting continued onslaught of the scientists. Many have already claimed the many homosexuals work forces who do non hold the Xq28 form? Many have claimed to hold disproved Xq28 theory. Many inquiries remain. How do you account forHomosexuals who dont have it? Alternatively, How do you account for straight persons who have it? A Canadian survey said that there was no important difference between maternal and paternal uncles being homosexual. As for the 2nd theory I discussed, the failing is that it is about impossible to nail the exact cistrons that find sexual orientation. The current theories are non converting. Twin surveies providestrong grounds of a familial factor in homosexualism. If there is a familial factor, so we are really far from cognizing what the cistrons are, and how they are transmitted. Scientists must go on seeking for a cheery cistron ( s ) . It will be tough and likely near impossible to come up with a complete reply.

Monday, April 20, 2020

Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been free essay sample

An innocent young girl is seduced by way of her own vanity† and that â€Å"she confuses death for erotic romance† (419). Oates clearly defines her point when Connie first discovers Arnold Friend at the drive in diner. She catches Friend staring at her with a big smile and Connie â€Å"slit her eyes at him and turned away, but she couldn’t help looking back† (409). The fact that Connie â€Å"slits† her eyes and â€Å"couldn’t help looking back† (409) shows that she is interested, but does not want to put her true feelings on display. Her more erotic interest comes in the form of his style and physical appearance. Oates illustrates this by using diction and imagery; â€Å"she liked the way he dressed† and Connie noticing â€Å"the small hard muscles of his arms and shoulders† (419) when Friend First appears at her house. Unlike Connie, the reader sees Arnold Friend in all of his depravity, we see him as the predator. We will write a custom essay sample on Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page He displays this at the drive in by â€Å" waving his finger and laughing† and saying â€Å"Gonna get you baby† (409). Oates again uses carefully thought out word choice to prognosticate that we could see Friend later in the story to possibly confront Connie in a derogatory way. In this way, we can see that Connie is both seduced by way of her own vanity† and that â€Å"she confuses death for erotic romance† (419). Oates demonstrates how Connie’s life can be seen in two different lights or two sides, â€Å"everything about her had two sides to it, one for home and one for anywhere that was not home† (408). Her life at home was unusual, Connie’s mother is jealous of her beauty and always scalding her about everything. Though Connie’s mother once encompassed external beauty, her looks had dissipated over time.. Her mother finds anyway possible to negatively comment about her, always using her older sister June as an example of how she should live her life. June becomes Connie’s mothers assault weapon because she is not a threat, as described by Oates, June is â€Å"twenty four and still lives at home† and â€Å"so plain and chunky† (407). This fed Connie’s confidence because she â€Å"thought her mother preferred her to June because she was prettier† (409). Connie led a pessimistic life with an attitude, she had no one there whom she felt the need to impress. When she was anywhere else besides her house, everything was different, her clothes, her walk, and even her laugh. â€Å" she wore a pullover that looked one way at home and another way when she was away from home† (408). It was all about impressing, showing off, and being someone she wanted to be, but wasn’t. When Connie was out the house, most likely at the mall or drive in diner, her life turned into a movie, where all reality was turned into a dream. This is evident when she â€Å"goes down an alley a mile or so away† (409) with a boy named Eddie and later remembers the experience as â€Å"sweet and gentle, the way it was promised in movies and songs† (410). Arnold Friend sees right through Connie, for who she really is, a pretty, young, and insecure girl. Connie gets all the attention that she craves, but the moment Friend takes off his glasses, she notices that he is much older than was previously thought. Panic starts to set in when Friend and Ellie won’t leave her house. Friend knows about all her family and friends and where they all are. He starts to come on stronger with every word as he states â€Å"I’m your lover. You don’t know it now, but you will† and later â€Å"I’m always nice at first, the first time. †(414). This is implying that everything is alright now or â€Å"the first time† (414) but is suggesting something bad will happen later. At this moment Connie looses all of her cockiness and vanity and gets a reality check, she is no longer living in a dream, her stress becomes real. She notices everything around her as if she’s never seen it before, as illustrated by Oates â€Å"The kitchen looked like a place she had never seen before, some room she had run inside but which wasn’t good enough† (415). Friend never looses his composure, he is calm, almost sadistic, he promises her he will not enter the house as long as she doesn’t pick up the phone. Finally, Friend threatens Connie’s family, but nothing will happen, so long as Connie goes with him. Connie realizes when Friend says â€Å"The place you came from ain’t there anymore, and where you in mind to go is canceled out. (417) she will not be coming back. All of her pervious vanities are stripped as she makes a generous sacrifice to save the lives of her family. Oates describes distillation; â€Å"Connie is shallow, vain, silly, and hopeful-but capable nonetheless of an unexpected gesture of heroism† (419). Connie surprises us all with her heroism, she ends he r life deep and pure, not shallow and vane as once conceived. Even after her whole world comes crashing down with all of Connie’s insecurities showing, she makes a choice that was thought implausible.

Sunday, March 15, 2020

Berkelium Element Facts - Atomic Number 97 or Bk

Berkelium Element Facts - Atomic Number 97 or Bk Berkelium is one of the radioactive synthetic elements made in the cyclotron at Berkeley, California and the one that honors the work of this lab by bearing its name. It was the fifth transuranium element discovered (following neptunium, plutonium, curium, and americium). Heres a collection of facts about element 97 or Bk, including its history and properties: Element Name Berkelium Atomic Number 97 Element Symbol Bk Atomic Weight 247.0703 Berkelium Discovery Glenn T. Seaborg, Stanley G. Thompson, Kenneth Street, Jr., and Albert Ghiorso produced berkelium in December, 1949 at the University of California, Berkeley (United States). The scientists bombarded americium-241 with alpha particles in a cyclotron to yield berkelium-243 and two free neutrons. Berkelium Properties Such a small quantity of this element has been produced that very little is known about its properties. Most of the available information is based on predicted properties, based on the elements location on the periodic table. It is a paramagnetic metal and has one of the lowest bulk modulus  values of the actinides. Bk3 ions are fluorescent at 652 nanometers (red) and 742 nanometers (deep red). Under ordinary conditions, berkelium metal assumes hexagonal symmetry, transforming to a face-centered cubic structure under pressure at room temperature, and an orthorhombic structure upon compression to 25 GPa. Electron Configuration [Rn] 5f9  7s2 Element Classification Berkelium is a member of the actinide element group or transuranium element series. Berkelium Name Origin Berkelium is pronounced as  BURK-lee-em. The element is named after Berkeley, California, where it was discovered. The element californium is also named for this lab. Density 13.25 g/cc Appearance Berkelium has a traditional shiny, metallic appearance. It is a soft, radioactive solid at room temperature. Melting Point The melting point of berkelium metal is  986  Ã‚ °C. This value is below that of neighbor element curium  (1340  Ã‚ °C), but higher than that of californium  (900  Ã‚ °C). Isotopes All of the isotopes of berkelium are radioactive. Berkelium-243 was the first isotope to be produced. The most stable isotope is berkelium-247, which has a half-life of 1380 years, eventually decaying into americium-243 via alpha decay. About 20 isotopes of berkelium are known. Pauling Negativity Number 1.3 First Ionizing Energy The first ionizing energy is predicted to be about 600 kJ/mol. Oxidation States The most common oxidation states of berkelium are 4 and 3. Berkelium Compounds Berkelium chloride (BkCl3) was the first Bk compound produced in sufficient quantity to be visible. The compound was synthesized in 1962 and weighed approximately 3 billionths of a gram. Other compounds which have been produced and studied using x-ray diffraction include berkelium oxychloride, berkelium fluoride (BkF3), berkelium dioxide (BkO2), and berkelium trioxide (BkO3). Berkelium Uses Since so little berkelium has ever been produced, there are no known uses of the element at this time aside from scientific research. Most of this research goes toward synthesis of heavier elements. A 22-milligram sample of berkelium was synthesized at Oak Ridge National Laboratory and was used to make element 117 for the first time, by bombarding the berkelium-249 with calcium-48 ions at the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research in Russia. The element does not occur naturally, so additional samples must be produced in a lab. Since 1967, just over 1 gram of berkelium has been produced, in total! Berkelium Toxicity The toxicity of berkelium has not been well-studied, but its safe to assume it presents a health hazard if ingested or inhaled, due to its radioactivity. Berkelium-249 emits low-energy electrons and is reasonably safe to handle. It decays in alpha-emitting californium-249, which remains relatively safe for handling, but does result in free-radical production and self-heating of the sample. Berkelium Fast Facts Element Name: BerkeliumElement Symbol: BkAtomic Number: 97Appearance: Silvery metalElement Category: ActinideDiscovery: Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (1949) Sources Emsley, John (2011). Natures Building Blocks: An A-Z Guide to the Elements. New York, NY: Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0-19-960563-7.Peterson, J. R.; Fahey, J. A.; Baybarz, R. D. (1971). The crystal structures and lattice parameters of berkelium metal. J. Inorg. Nucl. Chem. 33 (10): 3345–51. doi:10.1016/0022-1902(71)80656-5Thompson, S.; Ghiorso, A.; Seaborg, G. (1950). The New Element Berkelium (Atomic Number 97). Physical Review. 80 (5): 781. doi:10.1103/PhysRev.80.781Thompson, Stanley G.; Seaborg, Glenn T. (1950). Chemical Properties of Berkelium. OSTI Technical Report doi:10.2172/932812

Friday, February 28, 2020

Discuss Question Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Discuss Question - Assignment Example ability of the mobile application, Zara mobile application is a weak application since it does not support other operating systems such as Android and windows, on the other hand this application does not have enough detail of what is being sold and instead displays a single picture of the clothing items and the other crucial details do not exist anywhere. In the real sense it better to opt for a window shopping than actually buying anything using the mobile application. Also the updates released for the Zara mobile application do not seem to address any problem of the mobile application efficiency and instead the updates makes the mobile application weak for `the major countries. Mango mobile application is a marketing mobile application which operates with the Ios operating system that runs on I pads and I phones. This application is used in marketing clothing online through advertisements on I pads and I phone. This application gives clear details and pictures of what the seller has in stock. It also enables the user to view different clothes with their prices indicated clearly for good purchasing. Unlike the Zara mobile application, this application can be used for window shopping as well as for purchasing clothes since it gives in details the prices, sizes and brand of the clothes as well as the pictures of different clothes. This is a mobile application that is used to market various clothing products in the internet market. It is a mobile application that supports I pad and I phone gadgets using the Ios operating system from MAC (Skepys, 2013). This application is the best application compared to the rest; it gives information of various clothes in details and in wide selection. Clothes displayed by this application are displayed in categories and thus makes it easier for one to make a good decision and so far so good it is the best application for the clothing industries in terms of advertisement. I t displays pictures of the products clearly and has

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Business and Globalisation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Business and Globalisation - Essay Example A third reason is the arrival of the information age, with computers and the internet which means that people and businesses can receive instant news about developments all across the world. New links, for example between raw material suppliers, manufacturers and markets for finished products can be spotted, created and managed very easily. Some people think that it is a very positive phenomenon, for example Dehasa (2006) who believes that this increased circulation of goods across the world will be a win-win situation, and that everyone will make money from it. Others see that there are also disadvantages, for example Steglitz (2002) who points out that when a small business, or a community which depends on one or two main products comes into a much bigger market, then it has very little control over what happens in that market. In countries like Colombia, for example, with its dependence on coffee production through the first half of the twentieth century, exporting their goods was a great benefit for a while, so long as the price of coffee was high and people in other countries wanted to buy it. There are problems, however, when for example competition grows and the price drops, or when major buyers get involved in war, for example, and the demand is suddenly no longer there. This kind of event can be absorbed in a bigger and more diverse business field, but it can be devastating to smaller or tightly focused business areas. There is also a significant inequality between developed countries, who often set the quality standards and the prices, and less developed countries, who have very little choice in the deals that are set up. A further dimension of globalisation is the effect that it has on the world’s resources, and this includes both materials for production, and the environment in which these materials are produced. Some resources, like the hardwood forests of the Amazon, are limited in size and the destruction of rainforests may bring short ter m gains for businesses, both in South America and in the countries where their trading partners are, but there will be longer term effects which are potentially serious for the whole world. When business is international, crossing national boundaries and involving transnational organisations and multi-national companies, then it is often hard to see who should be responsible for the effect on the planet. Many companies have good ethical policies which prevent extreme damage from occurring, but there are also many others which exploit scarce resources with no thought for the consequences on the earth, or on local people. One of the ways that these issues can be addressed is to combine globalisation with sustainable development. This can work with renewable resources like wood, but it is not a solution for finite resources like oil and some rare minerals and metals. If a business wants to take advantage of globalisation, then it must make very careful preparations before launching int o a big venture. People use terms like â€Å"the global village† to refer to the way that the world is increasingly connected, but very often there are huge cultural differences that make true communication very difficult (Brysk, 2000). A good example of this is the

Friday, January 31, 2020

Cultural Oppression Essay Example for Free

Cultural Oppression Essay Both African Americans and Asian Americans have suffered racial discrimination, slavery, persecution, difficulty in receiving citizenship even though their children were born in the United States and challenges in demonstrating their cultural identity. They experienced difficulty in classifying themselves as purely American because of their outward appearance. Moreover, they always tend to feel insulted that white Americans will always judge them by stereotypes, not by what they really are. African Americans have suffered dual consciousness in the United States, always struggling to receive social and economic equality, both as a Negro and an American. Although political equality has been granted to African Americans, they still suffered inequality in terms of achieving social and economic wealth. The effects of cultural oppression on African Americans have put them at high probability of suffering continued hindrances to achieve societal empowerment and affirmation. However, the richness of African cultures that place importance on collective lifestyle has helped African Americans to be accepted in the United States. Asian Americans were pressured to learn how they could assimilate themselves into different cultural society in the country. The cultural oppression suffered by Asian Americans has helped them to establish their own community in order for them to become self-sufficient. The impact of the Eastern philosophies, Buddhism, Taoism, and Confucianism, on Asian culture has helped families to become paternally oriented and hierarchical. The notable reason why some Asians have the tendency to avoid debate and discussion or to appear indecisive is because of these philosophies that teach them principles of harmony, balance and peace. This Asian culture has provided them to act in a positive way and to learn the importance of having self-knowledge about how others behave towards them. Reference Information on Specific Cultural Groups. Retrieved April 17, 2009, from http://education. byu. edu/diversity/culture. html.

Thursday, January 23, 2020

Rewriting Canonical Portrayals of Women :: Good Bones Margaret Atwood Literature Essays

Rewriting Canonical Portrayals of Women In her collection of short stories, Good Bones (O. W. Toad, 1992), Margaret Atwood (1939 - ) has included Gertrude Talks Back, a piece that rewrites the famous closet scene in Shakespeare ´s Hamlet. The character of Hamlet ´s mother has posed problems of interpretation to readers, critics and performers, past and present, and has been variously or simultaneosly appraised as a symbol of female wantonness, the object of Hamlet ´s Oedipus complex, and an example of female submissiveness to the male principle (Hamlet ´s as much as Claudius ´s). Like other revisionist rewritings produced by women writers in the last few decades, Margaret Atwood ´s short story challenges received concepts of the female, and particularly the "Frailty, thy name is woman" notion that has marked so much canonical literature. Recent developments in the humanities, usually grouped under the common label of "post-structuralist theory," have contributed to making us sensitive to the politics of culture, in general, and of literature, in particular. Much thought has been given in the last few decades to how the literary canon emerges and holds its ground, and to the relations between canonical and non-canonical, between the centre and the margins. Post-colonial theorist Edward Said reminds us that "[t]he power to narrate, or to block other narratives from forming and emerging, is very important to culture and imperialism, and constitutes one of the main connections between them" (xiii). Here as in other respects, the political agendas of feminism and post-colonialism overlap; both aim at challenging the canon and at inscribing the experiences of the marginal subject (female and/or post-colonial). Revisionist rewritings are one of the strategies that can serve that purpose; I need not mention the by now many rewritings of such canonical texts as The Tempest or Robinson Crusoe. As regards the author I am concerned with here, Margaret Atwood, extensive attention has been paid to a recurrent feature of her fiction: her repeated reworking of fairy tales, most importantly the different versions of Bluebeard ´s Egg, a re-shaping which culminates in her novel The Robber Bride (1993). I would also point out how what is perhaps her most popular novel to date, The Handmaid ´s Tale (1985), thematizes the politics of reading and writing or, as Hutcheon has aptly put it, "the opposition between product and process" (139). Similar concerns are apparent in the compilation of her short stories under the title Good Bones (1992). If the constructions of womanhood and manhood occupy her in The Female Body and Making a Man, in other stories (There Was Once, Unpopular Gals, etc) it is the literary construction of womanhood that is foregrounded.

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Ethics and Abortion Essay

Nicky was 18 when she started dating with James. They had unprotected premarital sex. After a few weeks, she found out that she was pregnant so she asked an advice from her doctor. She wasn’t ready for a baby yet. She still had her ambitions in life and she didn’t want to give up her social life. So she and James decided to abort the baby (â€Å"Real Life: Abortion (Nicky’s Story),† 2003). Yes, you read it right. In this time of one-night stands, premarital sex and unwanted pregnancies, abortion has become a common resort from responsibility. Abortion is the removal of an embryo or a POC (Product of Conception) from the uterus. Basically, there are two types of abortion: the spontaneous abortion and the induced abortion. Spontaneous abortion is the type that is caused by accident and/or by natural cases. It can also be caused by environmental factors. On the other hand, induced abortion is caused by human action. It is further categorized into therapeutic and elective. Therapeutic abortion is the act of removing the fetus from the uterus for reasons of safety and/or survival in the part of the mother, to preserve the mother’s health, to terminate pregnancy that would result in a child born with congenital disorders, and to selectively reduce the number of fetuses to lessen health risks regarding multiple pregnancies. Meanwhile, elective abortion is the kind of abortion performed for any other reason. There are two different but parallel theories regarding abortion—the consequential theory and the deontology theory. The consequential theory believes that an act is morally right if and only if it contributes to the common good(Williams, 1973. ). It outrightly supports abortion—may it be therapeutic or elective. In therapeutic abortion, if the mother life is at risk in having the pregnancy, then the consequential theory allows for such action. If having a baby destroys a person’s future career, then abortion is okay. Consequential theory denies that moral rightness depends solely on the anything other than the consequences (B. Hooker, 2000). Nonetheless, what makes this morally wrong is not the abortion itself but the consequences it may bring to the mother such as emotional trauma. Consequential theory ignores all morally relevant factors to the consequences as opposed to whatever the circumstances there may be(Mill, 1861). However, deontology theory asserts otherwise. Deontological ethics or duty-based ethics does not consider an act as good or evil per se but classifies the action as it is being performed or on the process of performing devoid of prejudice or pre-established ethical principles. It judges morality by evaluating the nature of the actions and the will of the person involved rather than what is achieved(Kay, 1997). It is also known as nonconsequentialism. Deontological judgment depends on the object or original nature of the act. It typically involves two important elements, prerogatives and constraints. Prerogatives deny that one should always choose the option with optimistic consequences and constraints place limitations on the actions that the person may do in order to bring about his own personal good. Thus, from the deontological parlance, abortion, because it takes away life, upsets nature’s way of creation, and denies the natural capacity of a woman to give birth, is objectively and intentionally malicious, although it could be justified in extreme cases which would merit for an exception. These two theories, in essence are different but somehow, they are compatible with each other. They do not really contradict each other, rather, they are analogous. Analogous theories are truly and essentially different but necessarily contradictory with each other in principle but they could have similar effects or conclusion per application that is why they are analogous—partly the same, partly different. In the present society, most women view abortion consequentially. They justify abortion by consequences it may cause. Let’s take Nicky’s situation as an example. Nicky believes that the abortion of their baby is right mainly because it was not yet the right time for them to have a baby. If she were to continue with her pregnancy, what would have happened? She would have lived a miserable life—not having a job or a career and tied down with a baby. What if her boyfriend James left her? Could she find another man who would readily accept her despite her past? There were lots of things to be considered—school, financial stability, and emotional stability. These and a lot more questions ran through Nicky’s mind before she decided to go with the abortion. Obviously, it is not easy to try to confuse one’s conscience. But if we look at it closely, it is a matter of rights. Women’s rights. Everybody makes mistakes. Nicky did a mistake by engaging in unprotected sexual intercourse with her boyfriend. Nevertheless, continuing the pregnancy could also be a mistake. Abortion, when we look at its consequences, is not a mistake. According to the Women’s Rights, â€Å"women have the right to bodily integrity and autonomy†. Whether or not the woman decides to resort to abortion of the fetus inside her body, it is her right to decide on that. Aside from that, women also have the right to parenthood and marriage. Women who have committed abortion should not be discriminated by the society. True, it is not such a nice image but hey, women are humans. Women have rights—equal rights—and dignity(â€Å"2006,† Human Rights Watch).

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

The Digital Footprint Is The Evidence Of A Technology...

A â€Å"Digital Footprint† is the evidence of a technology user’s actions. Every online activity leaves traces behind, which can be searched, referenced and used in ways as varied as the people who might do that searching. Learning and following the basic rules of Digital Citizenship minimizes the often negative impact of a broad Digital Footprint, and helps to create a productive and satisfying digital community. American students may feel as though they have a right to privacy, but in the online world, that privacy is a myth. (Brooks-Young, 2010) Anyone with basic computer skills can find ways to hack into private pages, and for students to be safe, they must be made completely aware that everything they post in any media may come back to haunt them. Forever. As educators, a top priority in a connected classroom must be to help learners understand the importance of protecting themselves. As Digital Citizens, they must learn to self-protect from people who aim to â€Å"disrupt and harm†, as noted in the 9th element of Digital Citizenship. (Ribble, 2015). The invisible nature of many of these dangerous people makes it difficult for adolescents, whose minds are not fully capable of abstract thought, to protect themselves. A 13 year old who may â€Å"overshare† in the classroom, where people are physically present, is in grave danger of exposing personal information that can be use d to hurt them, when their audience is not visible. For students who may be quiet in person, but active online,Show MoreRelatedPrivacy And Surveillance Technology Has Increased Within The Realm Of Web 2.01615 Words   |  7 PagesPrivacy and surveillance is exponentially growing, as are the social mediums that extend its reach. Defined as a close monitoring system that targets the actions of an individual, surveillance and surveillance technology has increased within the realm of Web 2.0. 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